Friday, July 20, 2007

From Aunt Bonnie


I laughed (and cried) when reading all the notes to you. i am so happy your friends had a part in your life.

Jennifer's story of the "famous family motto" reminds me of the time your mother was in Eugene. She, Patti (9 years old?) and you (7 years old?) came to see me.

After a couple of hours visiting Patti and you were getting very restless, began to fidgit and wanted to go. Your mother looked at both of you and said "you were raised a lady so act like a lady".

No one was more surprised than I, for dad (grandpa Hartford) always told us that as we grew up and we HATED IT!

I said to your mother, at the time, we hated it. She smiled and said "I know, but it works".

Thanks Carolyn in starting your family motto. Dad's words never leave my thoughts and now as Jennifer says your words are continuing.

Thanks for coming to Portland the summer of 2006. Marcia and I will remember our time with you as a treasure.
Love you,
Aunt Bonnie

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