Monday, July 23, 2007

Meeting Carolyn

I so remember one of the first times I chatted with Carolyn, during a break while we were both training to be SPEAK readers. I knew nothing about her other than that she was a fellow linguistics student.
She was telling Gordon something about her son at age 12. I mosied myself into the conversation, nodding affably as she talked about something funny Joffre did as a pre-adolescent. I had no idea she was referring to the past. Later on, when she mentioned her daughter-in-law, I idiotically asked her, "what? your son is married at 12???" What a laugh I got from the two of them.
From then on, especially here at the E.L.I., whenever we bumped into each other, she always gave me the sweetest smile. It was always a pleasure to see her, and I really regret I didn't get the chance to know her a lot better.

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